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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Semester 2

          This past semester was a good one for me because i achieved my goal of getting all A's and B's in my classes. The spots where I was most challenged was writing the essays; either the essay relating to the summer reading book or the short story essay, I always have trouble getting the thoughts gathered to put on paper.  The spots where I did well this past semester was in the vocabulary and grammar sections.  On almost all the Vocab tests I got an A which was very good for me compared to last year in 8th grade.  Also on the grammar quizzes i got all good grades as well.

       This coming semester I think will be harder than the last semester, but I still will keep my goal of getting all A's and B's.  Some goals for English would be improving on my reading skills.  I can improve my skills by making a goal of reading at least one book on my own time per quarter and stay reading the books assigned in class.  For writing, I can improve on writing my essays by improving my theses statement, and organizing my thoughts more when writing.

        The English exam to me was "half and half" , I thought some questions were easy but some questions were  hard.  If I could restudy for the exam I would defiantly study the literary terms more because you needed to know those for the multiple choice, and you also needed to know them to do well on the essay.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Digital Citizenship-

-- Using the social networking website to only post nice things, not posting mean things, cursing, or harassing people.  Using the website the way it was meant to be used.


  1. Only use nice words
  1. Only become friends with people you know
  1. Block your profile so that random people can't see it
  1. Use the website to connect with old friends
  2. Use it for educational purposes
  3. Be careful what you tweet
  4. Only post clean videos
  5. Only post clean pictures
  1. Give nice compliments to friends
  1. Reconect with distant family members

  1. Don't say anything about a teacher
  2. Don't Curse
  3. Don't use it during school
  4. Don't Sexually harass people
  5. Don't make fun of people
  1. Do not make any threats to someone
  1. Don't post any embarrassing photos of somebody without their permission
  1. Don't give out personal information
  1. Say stuff that you wouldn't want to say to their face
  2. Cuss just because somebody else did